Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Home Stretch

With everything on my to-do/to-see list complete, I am enjoying a relaxing/occasionally boring last week in Burlington, VT.  It rained the first two days of the week, which fit in perfectly with my belief that when the earth is replenishing it’s self I must do the same.  But now two days in and two to go, I am feeling a little restless…

Ironically, (or not so ironically) as soon as I slowed down, I got sick with the flu that seems to be making its rounds.  Usually, I am not one to get sick, but the combination of my vacation “diet” and the lack of edible-looking produce, I’m sure has something to do with it. 

With a break in the rain today, I scooted off to the grocery store for some last minute groceries to get me through the next couple of days (‘cause the chips and Oreos in my cupboard aren’t going to get me far).  It is funny who you see at the grocery store in the middle of the day…mothers with young children, older women shopping in groups and random teenagers skipping school to pick up their birth control so they don’t have to do it later when they come with mom to pick up dinner. 

With some time on my hands, I biked around the shopping plaza, taking in all the other shops I had missed so far - the laundry mat, the Chinese food buffet, and, wait one minute!  A Dollar Store?!?!?  Nice…

I entered the Dollar Store and to my surprise, it smells just like my 99-cent store in San Francisco.  Ahhhh, just like home.  The clientele was even more interesting than in the grocery store.  As I cruised the aisles eating my peanut butter cups, an unusual thought came to me, “Am I ready to get back to work?” I thought, “Wow,” I decided, “I must be bored.” 

I biked home just in time to put my bike away before the rain started in again.  Luckily, am having dinner tonight with friends and tomorrow night with my roommates which will hopefully make the next few days fly by and before I know it, it’ll be Friday and I’ll be headed home.  To borrow from the musical greats Journey, “oh, I wanna get back to my city by the Bay…”

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