Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day One

Well, I made it & it is gorgeous, just like they say.  I got the complete history from my cab driver on the way to my B&B; well at least since 1974 when he moved here from Texas…

AND I already have an invitation to dinner and a concert!  Unfortunately not with a mountain man, but with a lovely group of ladies I have begun to call my “Lesbian Welcome Wagon (LWW).”  They have been great, and one has a boat = awesome, cause I love boats…

I spent today meandering around downtown before I move to the ‘burbs tomorrow and have to bike three miles to town.  Damn, I’m gonna be thin, or at least I better be! 

No word yet on the mountain man, so far everyone looks like my friend Michael.  I did get a shout out from an ole hippy smoking on the square, ahh just like home. 

Speaking of home, I was hit with a bit of homesickness today, but a quick chat with my dear friends Alisa and Jenn solved that right quick. That and a few beers with my LWW;) 

Tomorrow, the county fair!  I bet they’ll be some mountain men there…

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