Monday, September 6, 2010

Day Three - The County Fair

Um, yeah, so not a lot of hot mountain men at the county fair, but lots of men.  Mostly dad’s (who are hot, but NEVER!) and rednecks…oh, yeah and all the Justin Bieber fans.  Well, with nothing better to do, the Lesbian Welcome Wagon and I hit up the beer tent for some much needed Bud Lights.  Damn Vermont has been hot!  A few rides and a snow cone later, I was spent and wondering if maybe I should be doing more…Online dating? Responding to ads in the paper? I couldn’t possibly get more friends on board, everybody already knows I’m looking, or maybe that’s the problem.  Oh god, am I desperate?!?!?!?  Well, maybe I am, but not in the take-what-you-can-get kind of way, but in the okay-its-been-long-enough-without dating someone kind of way.  You feel me?  I thought you might.  Well, tomorrows another day AND the farmers market…bet there will be tons of mountain men there, at least, I hope soJ

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